Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My first chanted Eucharist in class

This morning I was required to chant a Rite II eucharist for my Liturgical Leadership class.  I planned the service, picked the music, created the bulletin and then chanted the service.  In order to save time, we cut out major portions of the service and only sang 1 verse of each song but you can still get the idea.

For me, it was the first time that I donned a chasuble and it was awe inspiring when I saw myself in the mirror.  I was pretty scared putting it on, and it took a while to get used to wearing it.  I'm going to read the reviews from classmates later tonight, but I'm anxious to hear any comments that you might have.

A link to the video of the service is below.  Forgive the chanting, it was my first time and I need more work.

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